ISSN: 2636-8498
Some properties of pellets made of spruce and beech torrefied sawdust
1Transilvania University of Brasov, Wood Processing and Wooden Products of Design Department, 500068,Brasov, ROMANIA
2Istanbul University Cerrahpasa, Faculty of Forestry, Forest Industry Engineering Department of Wood Mechanics and Technology, Istanbul, TURKEY
3Transilvania University of Brasov, Science and Material Engineering Department, 500068, Brasov, ROMANIA
4Institute of Construction, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Environmental Research & Technology 2019; 1(2): 26-33
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The paper aims to determine the physical properties (density) and calorific ones (calorific value and ash content) of pellets made of spruce and beech sawdust, thermally treated at temperatures of 170, 190 and 210 °C, for 1, 2 and 3 hours. After the thermal treatment of the sawdust, its mass loss was obtained, and compressed pellets were obtained under laboratory conditions. The results obtained from sawdust treatment indicated a weak increase in calorific value, depending on the temperature and the thermal treatment times. The final conclusion of the paper is that the thermal treatment improves the caloric properties of sawdust pellets, the beech sawdust having a higher capacity for torrefaction and compaction related to spruce sawdust.