ISSN: 2636-8498
Improved demineralization of the carbon black obtained from the pyrolysis of the sidewall and tread of scrap Tires: Extraction of some micro-/macro-nutrient elements of plants
1Department of Chemistry (retired), Selçuk University Faculty of Science, Konya, Türkiye
2Vocational College of Technical Sciences, Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ, Türkiye
Environmental Research & Technology 2024; 3(7): 347-355 DOI: 10.35208/ert.1358852
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In parallel with the increasing tyre production in the world, the amount of scrap tyres is also increasing. Within the scope of scrap tyre management, studies aimed at preventing the accu-mulation of tyres that threaten the world in terms of human health and the environment can be briefly defined as 4RL, including recycling, reuse, recovery, regeneration, landfill. Current methods have not yet completely controlled the accumulation of scrap tires. In this study, sidewall and tread parts of scrap tires with different compositions were pyrolyzed separately. Pyrolytic carbon black has been upgraded with an improved acid-base extraction method. Two different carbon blacks of high commercial value were obtained from the tire sidewall and tread. Since the mixture obtained from acidic-basic extraction, consisting of elements such as Zn, K, Na, Ca and S, are micro and macro nutrients of plants, the solution can be used directly in the fertilizer industry. With this study, the commercial value of solid residue, which is a major bottleneck in tire pyrolysis plants, has been increased. The pyrolysis method has been transformed into a more feasible project.