ISSN: 2636-8498
Dispersion model of NOx emissions from a liquefied natural gas facility
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Türkiye
2Department of Environmental Engineering, İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul, Türkiye
Environmental Research & Technology 2024; 2(7): 212-222 DOI: 10.35208/ert.1417201
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Natural gas is widely used in energy production, one of the most prominent sectors for human-kind. Combustion processes inevitably produce air pollutants. The major pollutant during a combustion process is nitrogen oxide emissions. The term of nitrogen oxides primarily include nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. These pollutants are generated regardless of the fuel content since air composition itself is the major source for these pollutants. It is possible to calculate emissions through the activity data and emission factors. Calculation of emissions is not enough for an environmental assessment. The impact of pollutants on human health relies on their concentration in the atmosphere. In order to determine their concentrations several modelling practices are developed. In this study, AERMOD used for modelling pur-pose of NOx emissions from a liquefied natural gas facility. It was observed that the pollutants were dispersed mostly towards south-southwest of the facility, where Marmaraereğlisi district is located. Although the pollutants transported directly to the settlement, the concentrations remained limited. During operation conditions, the highest daily NOx concentration was 1.7 μg/m3 and the highest annual concentration was 0.1 μg/m3. At maximum operating conditions, the highest daily NOx concentration was 16.2 μg/m3 and the highest annual concentration was 2.5 μg/m3. At minimum operating conditions, the highest daily NOx concentration was 1.1 μg/m3 and the highest annual concentration was 0.2 μg/m3.