ISSN: 2636-8498
Mixing effect on bio-methanation, settleability and dewaterability in the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge fractions
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Konya Technical University, Selçuklu, 42250, Konya
2Konya Technical University Graduate Education Institute, Selçuklu, 42250, Konya
Environmental Research & Technology 2023; 3(6): 242-247 DOI: 10.35208/ert.1243907
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Biomethanation and dewaterability characteristics of primary sludge (PS), secondary sludge (SS) and mixed sludge (MS) fractions were assessed after anaerobic stabilization under parallel batch and continuous mixing conditions at 35°C in order to investigate the performance of the separate digestion system. Similar methane conversion/yield values were obtained in PS, SS and MS digestion with continuous mixing’s positive effect only in PS digestion. Continuous mixing resulted in 50% increase in the methane yield (600(+/-100) mL/g VSadd.d. SS digestion produced a comparable methane yield at 650(+/-100) mL/g VSadd.d showing no effect due to mixing pattern. Settling and dewaterability characteristics of the stabilized PS were superior to stabilized SS samples. A reverse relationship was obtained between settling and dewater-ability characteristics where intermittent mixing enhanced settling ability while continuous mixing resulted in higher dewaterability of the stabilized sludges. Polyelectrolyte (PE) addi-tion showed a negative effect on the settleability of the sludges. Low degree mixing resulted in 50% sludge volume reduction and an SVI of 64 mL/g VS compared to 25% volume reduction and 82 mL/g SVI in the continuous mixing mode for the stabilized PS. A similar trend for the stabilized SS but weaker values with 25% volume reduction and an SVI 182 mL/g in the inter-mittent mixing mode compared to 15% volume reduction and 200 mL/g VS SVI indicated a much lower settleability in the continuous mixing mode and compared to stabilized PS.