In this study, bioethanol and biochar production from various algal biomass samples (Chlorella minutissima, Chlorella
vulgaris, Nannochloropsis oculata microalgae and Laminaria digitata, Codium fragile, Ulva lactuca macroalgae) and an energy crop sample (sweet sorghum bagasse) were investigated. In bioethanol production, acid pre-treatments were performed with 2 N H2SO4 solution at the temperature of 100°C, and pre-treatment time of 60 minutes. Fermentation was carried out in erlenmeyer flasks which were placed in a shaking incubator set to the 150 rpm at the temperature of 30°C for 48 hours. The highest bioethanol yield was obtained as 44% by utilizing sweet sorghum. Biochar
production was carried out at a heating rate of 20°C min-1, 250 ml min-1 nitrogen flow rate and temperature of 400°C in a carbonization retort. The characterization of biomass samples were performed, and all biofuel yields were
compared. Although sweet sorghum as an energy crop has higher bioethanol production potential than micro and
macroalgae sources, especially macroalgae can be a remarkable solution of waste utilization as a new generation feedstock of biosorbent and biochar production