ISSN: 2636-8498
A process “algorithm” for C&D materials reuse through file-to-factory processes
1Department of Architecture, Federico II University of Naples, Naples, Italy
2ETESIAS, Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani, Naples, Italy
3The Spark Creative Hub, Naples, Italy
Environmental Research & Technology 2022; 4(5): 340-348 DOI: 10.35208/ert.1150743
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The paper illustrates some of the ongoing results of the interdepartmental research Prosit “PROgettare in SostenibilITà: qualification and digitalization in construction”, analyzing the key steps aimed at testing, within the actual regulatory and technological framework, new possible applications of recycled materials from construction and demolition (C&D) in sus-tainable and innovative supply chains. In Italy, in particular, about 98% of the non-hazardous waste from C&D activities is recycled already in 2018, as documented by the Eurostat’s “Re-covery rate of construction and demolition waste” report. Nevertheless, C&D waste is mainly reused for the construction of embankments and road foundations. The research, therefore, identifies in the use of file-to-factory technologies a possible way to extend the scope of the reuse of these resources to realize diversified and non-standard manufactures and compo-nents, in the perspective of a greater spread of virtuous practices of circular economy in the construction sector. In this sense, a process “algorithm” is described, designed to be scaled and replicated in different contexts for similar purposes.