ISSN: 2636-8498
Assessment of domestic water quality in coastal region of Ilaje Akoka, Lagos state
1Department of Geography, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
Environmental Research & Technology 2021; 3(4): 259-265 DOI: 10.35208/ert.963915
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Coastal regions are surrounded by water yet often have limited access to potable water. These regions are usually at the receiving end of indiscriminate dumping of industrial and domestic waste water. Using the co production approach, some issues observed by residents with available water were noted. These were investigated by undertaking a laboratory analysis examining selected physico-chemical properties (colour, pH, Tds, Hardness, Iron and Manganese) of water from different sources. Results revealed that none of the sources produced water completely within acceptable limits. Sachet water which is widely taken as the safest source, had a pH value of 5.3 which makes it more acidic than is acceptable. Manganese which could lead to neurological disorder over a long period of exposure was found to be present at 0.7mg/l and 0.25mg/l in water from well and water trucks respectively. All other elements have relatively insignificant health implications yet are important for acceptability by consumers and system maintenance. Constant water system monitoring and treatment especially in such coastal area, provision of mini-water treatment plants and appropriate water storage practices were recommended accordingly.